Energy Intelligence Software

Timely. Accurate. Secure.

Effective energy management looks different for various types of organizations. THG’s software and related services provide in-depth capabilities for detailed users, while remaining simple and scalable enough for enterprise-level and administrative users.

  • Over 50,000 accounts across North America leverage THG’s software to organize utility data and streamline energy management efforts

  • Turn-key data acquisition, account set-up, ongoing data collection, and training/support provided by THG

  • Tools and services across a broad range of energy and non-energy cost centers:

    Electricity, Natural Gas, Water, Waste, Sewage, Recycling, Telecommunication, Landscaping, and more

Key Features of THG’s Energy Intelligence Software

Getting Started

Reach out to THG today to better understand how our capabilities can assist you, and receive a quote for pricing. Whether it’s one site or hundreds, THG’s solution can immediately bring value to your organization.