700MW Wind, Solar, and Battery project in Oklahoma
NextEra Energy Resources will develop the largest hybrid renewable energy project in the US, right here in the state of Oklahoma (home to half of our THG team). Plans are in works for a 700 MW facility called the Skeleton Creek project which will provide 250 MW of wind, 250 MW of solar, and 200MW/800 MWh in battery storage. Experts believe federal tax credit will make this project cheaper than building a new natural gas peaker peaking plant.
Skeleton Creek will be developed in dual phases: Phase 1) Wind Energy expected to be operationally by the end of 2019. The second phase encompassing solar and battery is anticipated by the end of 2023. Upon completion, this project is expected to provide 50% of the energy for the Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC).
Recommended Reading:
NextEra inks 700 MW wind + solar + battery project, largest in the US by Robert Walton at Utility Dive
‘Cheaper than a Peaker’: NextEra Inks Massive Wind+Solar+Storage Deal in Oklahoma by Julian Spector at Greentech Media