The Forgotten Stakeholder

Why Mother Nature is an Essential Factor in Any Project Bob Willard has shared 5 reasons Mother Nature needs to be considered a key stakeholder in your projects. Since stakeholders are inherently “defined as ‘anybody who can affect, or is affected by, an organisation, strategy or project,’” the environment is perhaps the most overlooked stakeholder. The impact path between companies …

Big Tech Leading Renewables

Sustainability Initiatives Driving Entrance to RE Markets Major companies are investing in renewables in a big way. Facebook, Google, and Amazon are entering renewables procurement to support their sustainability initiatives, capturing 35% of the US market share in 2018. Of this share, Facebook represents the largest share with 1.5 GW of wind and solar procurement, Google follows at 58 MW, …

Texas Increasing DR Initiatives

Regulators Hoping to Drive Demand-Side Resources ERCOT recently reported a drop in its 2019 reserve margin to 7.4%, a significant decline from its 11% 2018 reserve margin and well below their target: 13.75%. The Public Utility Commission of Texas described this projection as “very scary” expressing serious concerns about power outages on the hottest summer days. Consequently, they’ve directed ERCOT …

Tulsa Fire Going Green

How Tulsa’s Bravest Give to the Environment The Tulsa Fire Department is seeking ways to become more energy efficient. What is a city to do when many of its firehouses are older and less efficient? It’s not practical to rebuild. Aside from the prohibitive capital outlay of rebuilding these essential facilities, sometimes a city’s oldest firehouses serve as historical landmarks. …

Giving Students Real-World Perspective

THG Partners with ORU to Foster Sustainability THG continues to support Oral Roberts University through turnkey utility data management, Sustainable Tulsa Scor3card support, and sharing knowledge with environmental science and sustainability classes. ORU’s offers a BS in Global Environment Sustainability degree and considers stewardship of the environment and management of natural resources to be essential to addressing the needs of …

THG Featured by i2E

Making a difference in Oklahoma and across North America THG is excited to be featured by i2E’s Scott Meacham in the Daily Oklahoman (Tuesday, Dec 18, 2018) and the Tulsa World (Sunday, Dec 23, 2018). i2E is a nationally-recognized non-profit focused on growing innovative businesses in Oklahoma. Scott and i2E have highlighted our focus on sustainability and economic diversity. Check …


And We Offer an Alternative Service to Complement It 2019 kicked off with what is now the longest government shutdown in US history. Aside from the government workers who have become pawns in a political chess match, the commercial real estate industry is impacted by the simultaneous shutdown of the ENERGY STAR program. ENERGY STAR’s popular Portfolio Manager tool has …

New Certification for Our ADRC

Ensuring the Highest Accuracy Meter Data THG’s Automated Demand Response Controller (ADRC) recently received the ANSI C12.1-2014 Certification. The ANSI C12.1 standard provides the requirements for all kilowatthour metering devices, both electronic and electromechanical, with its latest C12.1-2014 revision release in 2018. This standard establishes the physical aspects and performance criteria for a meter or submeter’s accuracy class. The ADRC’s …

We’re Growing!

THG Adds Energy Experts to its California Team THG is happy to welcome Neil Moffatt and Will Eidlhuber to our growing group of energy experts. Neil and Will come to THG with 40+ years of combined energy experience across multiple fields. Based in Southern California, Will and Neil will leverage their experience to assist THG as we continue to grow …

The New Energy Paradigm

Balancing Cost-Effective Data with Savings Opportunities For energy and sustainability managers in buildings and facilities, it’s a brave new world. Beyond basic efficiency measures, the old paradigm treated energy costs as a non-controllable utility cost. The new reality is full of alternatives and requires more data and active management. This includes renewable energy strategies from wind and solar projects, distributed …